Mahmoud Fares

Mahmoud Fares

  • Actor
  • Egypt

Mahmoud Fares is an Egyptian actor who began his professional career in 1990 after participating in many successful theatrical works. After that, he took on roles in many films, the first of which was the movie “The Yacoubian Building” by Marwan Hamed, and many series as well.

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Mahmoud Fares
Roles played by Mahmoud Fares that have left a strong impact

Egyptian actor Mahmoud Fares has taken on several roles in series and movies over the years. He recently began focusing more on television drama...

Mahmoud Fares
Mahmoud Fares.. is a professional Egypti...

Mahmoud Fares is an Egyptian actor who began his professional career in 1990 after participating in many successful theatrical works. After...