Rowana Badry

Rowana Badry

  • Nutritionist

Rowana Badry is a fitness and health enthusiast who loves being active and playing sports. She studied nutrition and gained many certificates through CrossFit, ISSA, SHP, and Opex fitness. She later founded her own brand, Nourish, which aims to provide clients with detailed healthy recipes and customized nutritional programs.

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Rowana Badry

Reclaim your Curves! Fitness Tips for New Moms With Rowana Badry

Rowana Badry

Rowana Badry Shares Her Finest Health Tips

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Rowana Badry
Rowana Badry.. is a fitness and health enthusiast

Rowana Badry is a fitness and health enthusiast who loves being active and playing sports. She was part of the national basketball team who...